Thursday, April 14, 2005


Went Ahead and Made My Day

You know, every now and then I get an email that just makes my day.

Someone just wrote to me to tell me how much they like my book:

I've almost finished...and I think it is great. I'd love to purchase my own copy and a copy for my Mom. ... It is such an easy read, keeps me turning the pages, and gets me really thinking. I need to finish it tonight. Then maybe I can catch up on a little sleep. (Like I said, I can't put it down until my eyes are closing without my permission.)

Let me tell you, there is simply no feeling in the world like writing a book and having people respond to it in just the way you hope they will.

(If you'd like your own copy, you can order it from Amazon:

Monday, April 11, 2005

Personal appearance alert:

I will be giving a presentation to discuss my novel, Never Too Busy For You:

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Tuesday, May 10th
1:30 PM
Saint Matthews Lutheran Church,
5709 Old Granbury Road
Fort Worth, TX

Here's a link to a map:,208&TYPE=208&LNK=54:7&BUS=109286497&TTL=Location&MEM=1&CID=2568&CU=church&L=lutheran+matthews+st&T=Fort+Worth&S=TX&QV=02A4F4095F268D40E8303203O01A8C59944C3534282303203O07A8C29944C353428F303203O03A82D3D5AC353420E313203&QR=1&QX=1&C=Churches-Lutheran&KW=st+matthews+lutheran+church

I hope to see you there!

Monday, April 04, 2005


Scott & Max

Is anyone out there a fan of Max Lucado? (If you have no idea who I'm talking about, the rest of this post won't make much sense.)

I had a chance to chat with him for a few minutes last weekend. Really a very nice man.

As it happened, last weekend I was in Abilene, Texas, and while watching the news Friday evening, I learned that he was going to be guest speaker at some society event that evening at Abilene's Civic Center.

So I jumped into my car and went down and crashed the party.

That's not quite as crazy and impulsive as it sounds; Max and I have had a couple of exchanges in the past, but we'd never met. I figured the odds of us both being in the same place at the same time were pretty remote, so I should take advantage of the opportunity.

We're not exactly best buddies or anything--he had only the vaguest recollection of our previous exchanges--but my impression of him was that he's every bit as nice in person as he comes across in his writing.

Here's Max and me. (I'm the cute one.)

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